Note: You can still apply after the application due date! However, keep in mind: after the due date, we will be accepting based on availability only.

RoleApplication dueResponse
Video editors9/2510/10
Sound engineers9/2510/10

Click on the corresponding button for more information about each role and to access the application form.

You may apply for more than one position. However, by doing so, you agree that if you are selected for multiple positions, you will be able to fulfill the responsibilities of all the positions. You don't need to submit musician and editor applications at once.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the organizers!


Musicians are the bulk of what makes this project happen. You will have approximately 3 months to:

  • Learn one or more assigned part(s) in the selected piece

  • Record your playing in audio (and video if you wish) to a conductor track

  • Submit your recording to a Google Forms survey before the designated deadline

The instruments you apply for will be considered in the order that you enter them. You may be selected for all, some, or none. You may be asked to play another instrument's part on your instrument, and you will be given the appropriate transposed score.

We are mainly looking for orchestral instrument players. However, if you play the saxophone or an ethnic instrument, or play/own a digital keyboard/synth capable of producing other instruments' sounds, you are also highly encouraged to apply! Please also spread the word to anyone who you know plays brass, woodwinds, or double bass — regardless whether or not they’re a Twosetter! There are very few of these in the fandom and we would need all the help we can get in these sections.


We would like to have a few conductors to record segments of the conducting video for the musicians to play along to. We understand if you don't have conducting experience (it's rare to have any, as a nonprofessional) or are too shy to show your face (you can always wear a mask!)

Conductors are a crucial role in this project that will take on a huge workload and responsibility, since all musicians will record themselves playing to your conducting recording. You will have 2 months to:

  • Learn some basic conducting through a mini crash-course that the mods have put together

  • Study an assigned section of the score

  • Practice and video-record (clearly) yourself conducting that section to an existing YouTube recording

  • Submit your recording to a Google Drive folder before the designated deadline


If you have applied for arranger in the #2set3mil project, the arranger role here is quite different from 2set3mil. Rather than writing entire medleys of different pieces for a unique instrumentation, you will mainly aid in the early stages and musical planning of the project. You (together with all other arrangers and the organizers) will have approximately 1 month to:

  • Review musician applications

  • Decide on a few possible pieces to play based on the instrumentation and levels of players we get

  • Distribute parts to musicians and conductors (which may involve transcription, cross-instrumentation, re-orchestration, and arranging)

Click here for the application form:

RoleApplication dueResponse
Video editors9/2510/10
Sound engineers9/2510/10

You may apply for more than one position. However, by doing so, you agree that if you are selected for multiple positions, you will be able to fulfill the responsibilities of all the positions. You don't need to submit musician and editor applications at once.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the organizers!

Video editors

Video editors will be responsible for planning and editing together one final video from the musicians’ video submissions. You will have:

  • 15 days to put together a list of recording tips/recommendations (equipment, lighting, video angle/orientation, etc) together with other video editors

  • 2 months to plan & storyboard the video from scratch, plan the workflow and divide tasks

  • 2 months to work together to edit the final video and sync it with the audio track

Sound engineers

Sound engineers will be responsible for editing, syncing, and mixing the audio recordings into a pleasant track. You will have:

  • 15 days to put together a list of recording tips/recommendations (equipment, tricks to minimize noise, etc) together with other audio editors

  • 2 months to plan the product and workflow & divide the tasks

  • 2 months to work together to edit the final audio track and sync it with the video track

Click here for the application form:

RoleApplication dueResponse
Video editors9/2510/10
Sound engineers9/2510/10

You may apply for more than one position. However, by doing so, you agree that if you are selected for multiple positions, you will be able to fulfill the responsibilities of all the positions. You don't need to submit musician and editor applications at once.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the organizers!